Traveling with ADHD medications abroad (from Germany)

2 min read

If you are traveling abroad from Germany, you need to go through some bureaucratic processes to legally bring your ADHD medication with you. ADHD stimulant medications are classified as narcotics in most Europe countries.

screenshot of the form necessary for carrying your ADHD meds within the EU

The form for carrying your ADHD meds within the EU looks like this

It is necessary to carry a certificate filled out and signed not only by your doctor but also certified by the highest health authority in the federal state you live in. In Berlin, this is Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (LAGeSo).

If you are traveling outside of the EU/Schengen, you should first check on the website of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), to make sure your ADHD meds are not prohibited in the countries you are visiting! If they are prohibited, there are not allowed even with a signed form.

Which form to use?

Which form you need, depends on what countries you are travelling:

You will need to visit your doctor so that they can fill out the appropriate form above and sign it. My doctor charges me €5 for this form. If you take more than one ADHD medication, you will need a separate form for each medication. Then, you will need to make an appointment at the appropriate german bureaucratic office to have it signed and certified.

How to get your form certified by the German authorities in Berlin

In Berlin, you will need to contact the Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (LAGeSo) for an appointment. This can be done by calling them at +49 30 9022 92111. They also mention on their website that an appointment can also be arranged by email. I have only arranged appointments over the phone, so I cannot vouch for how responsive they are via email. They are usually able to give appointments on short notice. I always forget that I need to do this before trips, and end up calling them a few days before I depart. When you call, they will ask when your travel starts and offer you an appointment slot before then.

What to bring to the appointment

The procedure at the appointment is fast and straight-forward. You wait outside a room (Raum 1.35) someone comes out takes your form, your passport, 5 euros. They bring back your form stamped and signed a few minutes later.
